Fall semester

The Fall semester is over for some of you, some are about to end it soon, I encourage you guys to be motivated until the semester is over. Going to school has never easy that’s why you need to be focus the first day of class to the last day.

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However some did no do well in their grade during the semester. Be motivated still since you are not a loser, keep focusing everything could be fine by the end of the semester.

Essay About Man mission on Mars

Should we send a Maned mission to Mars?

Image result for manned on mars

Here is an essay I wrote and want to share with you guys.

A Manned Mission to Mars

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Exploring space and the entire world has always been a passion for some people and organizations. Many efforts have been made to explore  the eight planets. However, some planets have not been explored or a manned mission has not been conducted out  there yet.

Robots play an important role in space exploration, but they might not provide accurate information while exploring the space or planets since they do not have self awareness.

Recently, it has been a big issue between people, whether the government of the United States should send a manned mission to Mars or not in regards to the cost and the risks of astronauts. While some people feel that finances and risks of astronauts are controversial in sending a manned mission to Mars, many others think that sending a manned mission to Mars could help us better understand our planet.

Some people believe that the economy is too weak to support a project of sending a manned mission to Mars.

Although the economy is not strong enough to support such a project; sending a manned mission to Mars could be beneficial to everyone. The benefits could be reflected in our daily life.

Also, the financial concerns in a such mission have been always controversial because of the social inequalities.

Others  claim that the huge money which could be invested  for sending a manned mission to Mars could be used to solve education problems, build shelters for homeless people or for research in the medical field.

This assertion is not even convincing since everyone is aware of global warming. However, allowing a budget to send a manned mission to Mars might be a path to prevent this global warming.

If  global warming is prevented, people could be healthy and  safe from diseases due to the hot weather.

Besides the financial issue in sending a manned mission to Mars, the risks of astronauts might be a big deal.

In fact, it has been revealed that astronauts could have health problems caused by radiations and spaceflight. However, the evolution of the advanced technology reduces the risks of astronauts of being  exposed to radiations. Therefore, spaceflights will be equipped with strong material to avoid further risks of astronauts. A manned mission to Mars could be essential for everyone.

Since Mars and earth have some similarities, sending a manned mission to Mars may help us protect our planet.

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It could be a valuable mission because there is no life on Mars right now. Therefore, a manned mission to Mars could result in finding human traits which would be subjects of research.If human traits are found there, possible research  may reveal the activities conducted by those people who lived there, then find out the reasons  Mars is not livable anymore.Even though sending a manned mission to Mars is related to finances and risks of astronauts problems, there are some benefits and the possibility to help us better understand our planet. Therefore, sending a manned mission to Mars could have a high cost. However, it is evident that this mission is highly recommended for the sake of our planet and the future generations.

To be continued…

Thanksgiving day/ Black Friday

Happy thanksgiving to my fellow American people. This day of the year is very important to American people since it is the only day they take it to gther family and share the RECOGNITION of what God has given so far. After the “THANKSGIVING DAY” , comes the “BLACK FRIDAY” which sll the stores sell the items at the most reduced price to allow customers and clients to buy as many as they can.

A research has shown that American spend an average of $500 on Black Friday. Either it’s gift or goods for personal consumption. Stores and retailer offer discount on merchandises to liquidate the old stock. Happy Black friday to SHOPPERS…First blog post

Debut d une aventure en terre AMERICAINE.

Bonjour a tous et a toute. Je me presente d abord : je suis N goran Ciprien de la cote D ivoire etudiant en Economie et finance de l Universite Alassane Ouattara. Ainsi j ai cree ce blog afin d mieux m exprimer et partager mon experience avec mes amis et surtout ceux qui me suivront sur ce blog. Je serai la entierement a repondre a toute vos preoccupations concernant la vie aux USA. JE SUIS d ailleurs tres contents de me retrouver de l autre cote de l ocean et vous partager mon quotidien.
Tout d abord je vais commencer par le voyage.


Nous sommes tous aveuglés par les prejugés de la “Puissance Mondiale”, donc quiconque qui est recu un visa Americain est consideré comme l espoir d une generation.

Par consequent je vais expliquer la facon dont les choses se sont passées a mon niveau.

L histoire a debuté sur le Campus de mon Université en Cote d Ivoire. J avais cours a 11h30 et donc en part ant en Amphitheatre, j ai rencontré deux jeunes homme assis sous une bache bleu qui m invité a jouer la lottery Americaine qui me permettra d aller etudier aux Etats Unis et travailler, une fois selectionné.